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HomeWhat To Name Your Resume On Monster

What To Name Your Resume On Monster

Resume Titles That Helped Flexjobs Members Get Hired

How To Name A Resume File (How to name a resume to stand out – EXAMPLES)

Did the title of this article get your attention? You can do the same to get the attention of employers by writing enticing and informative resume titles for your FlexJobs profiles.When you create resume profiles on FlexJobs, you have the opportunity to write a title for each profile that you make. That title is often the first thing an employer will see when searching for candidates on FlexJobs or reviewing your profile after you submit an application. FlexJobsCareer Development Manager and Coach Brie Reynolds weighs in on why your FlexJobs resume title is worth paying attention to:

Your resume profile title on FlexJobs is a really important piece in your job search process, for a few reasons.

  • For one, its one of the first things an employer will see about you when theyre searching candidate profiles.
  • Two, its part of what gets scanned when an employer does keyword search, so for them to be able to find you, youll want to have a keyword-rich profile title.
  • And three, it encourages you, the job seeker, to distill your job search message into one short sentence. If you can write about your best qualifications and the type of work youre seeking in that short space, you can use that summary anywhere. Its really helpful to be able to tell people who you are and what you have to offer in a succinct way.
  • Note:

    Is My Rsum Being Read

    Over 427,000 résumés are posted to Monster.com each weekthats just one job website. Most companies use Applicant Tracking Software to automatically filter and eliminate 75% of the résumés sent to them. If your resume makes it to the desk of a hiring manager and recruiter, they will spend an average of just 5-7 seconds reading it.

    Seconds. Thats all you get. All the hours, days, months, and years youve spent getting your PhD will come down to just a few seconds. Think of how hard youve worked to get to where you are. Are you really going to throw it all away by not taking the time to get your résumé just right?

    The Competition: Monster Vs Topresumecom

    When it came to customer service, TopResume was slightly better than Monsters. We felt our resume writer should have been the one to introduce herself to us, not the impersonal message Monster sent us. TopResumes writer was attentive and allowed for more edits than the policy dictated. Monster has a strict five-day policy for two additional revisions. Monsters price for the basic package was $20 less than TopResumes similar plan, which might be a consideration if a consumer is tight on resources.

    Monster produced a resume that was stronger in content than the resume TopResume wrote. And the writing was more compelling. For example, TopResume wrote one accomplishment as: “Redesigned production floor layout to optimize space and improve process flow by 45%. But Monsters version was better because it led with the quantified result: Reclaimed 45% of wasted floor space and increased seamless flow of operations by spearheading design projects and implementing lean-oriented production layout. We noticed how Monster also included words like seamless, spearheading, and lean-oriented in its sentence. Small details like these can make a difference. So, for us, Monster wins.

    Attractive price and above-average content

    Recommended Reading: Do You Put Gpa On Resume

    It Is A Great Place To Use Keywords

    Using keywords effectively in your resume title will hugely increase your chances of landing an interview. Letâs take another look at the awesome resume header we saw above:

    This time, think about all the keywords present in this resume title. As you may have guessed, the words used in the title should always match the words used in the job description. This title would be great for multiple job descriptions from âFull stack web developerâ to âproject manager.â

    If during your job search you plan on sending out dozens of quick-fire applications, this is your best bet. Similarly, if you are posting your resume online or submitting it as anything other than a response to an open job, you might want to stay broad.

    However, if you are targeting a very specific listing, you want to change your approach slightly.

    Instead of including an array of words that may fit the array of opportunities you are seeking, scan the job listing and tailor your resume title accordingly. If the listing puts a big emphasis on project management, be sure to add that to the title. If it focuses on communication, put that up there.

    You donât want to miss an opportunity because you didnât tailor your resume to pass the applicant tracking system.

    Resume Headline And Title Examples By Industry

    Resume Templates Monster Jobs

    In summation: your resume title is super important. When it comes to formatting, the career experts at ZipJob highly suggest using something similar to our example above. But, what about the wording?

    A good resume title often includes your target job title, your key skills, your qualifications, and/or your years of experience. You can also include your awards, industry, or specializations.

    Here are a bunch of resume headline examples from our professional resume writers, organized by industry:

    Don’t Miss: Do You Put Gpa On Resume

    Write About The Most Important Things First

    Think about the most important parts of your qualificationsthe things that you would want an employer to know right off the bat. These might include:

    • The number of years of experience you have in the field.
    • Any certifications or particular educational requirements you have obtained.
    • Any special skills you possess that make you uniquely qualified.
    • A display of your passion for this line of work.
    • The specific industry or topic of your expertise.
    • Your previous remote or flexible work experience.
    • The keywords an employer would search for when they try to locate candidate resumes for a particular job.

    How To Deal With Stress At Work

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    Do you have any part-time for Find My Resume On Monster related jobs?

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    Our system always offers full of results regarding to Find My Resume On Monster, so if you don’t get any results, it is possible that your internet is an error.Please make sure that Your keywords you type on the searching box are correct.Even if you check carefully, you still have this trouble, contact us immediately via our email or telephone, we will support you in a moment.

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    Look To The Job Description For Clues

    Almost all job descriptions will have a Requirements section, and that is a great place to start if youre wondering what to put in your resume title. Of course, youll probably be applying to many different jobs with this one resume profile, so its important not to be so specific that your profile title no longer makes sense. Look at the requirements for a variety of jobs youd like to apply for, and build a resume profile title that includes the most important requirements from each.

    Phrases That Get Phds Ghosted After A Job Interview

    How to create a monster account and upload resume

    Far too many PhDs are getting ghosted by employers after job interviews. They set up a job search strategy, build a targeted resume and LinkedIn profile, and apply to positions where they have internal referrals only to get ghosted after a phone screen, or even worse, a site visit. If this has happened to you, you need to prepare better for job interviews. An interview can go south very easily. Maybe you just said the wrong thing and that caused employers to stop considering you. You cannot underestimate the importance of coming prepared. Take it from one of our members

    Isaiah Hankel

    The LinkedIn tips & strategies within have helped PhDs from every background get hired into top industry careers.

    Read Also: How To List Languages On A Resume

    Available Plans & Pricing

    Monster offers three plans which are reasonable compared to other resume services we looked at. Heres a breakdown of the other packages Monster offers:

    Basic: $129

    • Tailored resume to showcase your strengths and goals
    • Keyword-rich content to match job postings
    • Optimized to pass recruiters screening software
    • Provided in a Word document
    • Delivered in five business days
    • 60-day 100% satisfaction guarantee. Will rewrite it for free

    Deluxe: $169

    • Cover letter for a single target job title
    • Professionally written to capture employers attention
    • Highlights your unique value proposition
    • Presents a compelling call to action

    Premier: $349

    • Includes a professional summary to reflect your strengths
    • Search optimization with keywords that highlight your top skills
    • Helps you create a consistently professional image and brand
    • Expedited delivery of the first draft of all three in two business days.

    Show The Employer That You’re Qualified

    Customize your resume. Dont send the same generic resume in for every job. Take the time to customize it by including the qualifications and skills the company is looking for so the employer knows you have the right stuff. As well as writing your resume to match the job, take a few minutes to update your job descriptions so they make the best impression.

    Focus on your accomplishments. The employer wants to know what you accomplished, not just what you did. Focus your resume upon what you achieved in each job, not your job responsibilities. Review these tips for including accomplishments on a resume, and make sure you’ve included your most current achievements.

    Include your most relevant skills. The screening system that employers use matches your resume to a designated set of qualifications. Include keywords on your resume that match the job-specific skills the employer is seeking.

    Add a cover letter. A cover letter, even if its not required, is the best way to highlight the specific qualifications you have for the job. CareerBuilder reports that sending a cover letter is 40% more likely to get your resume noticed. You can use your cover letter to focus on the experience that best suits you for the job. Heres how to write a cover letter for a resume.

    Also Check: How To Send Your Resume To Recruiter

    Best Of Transition: Phd Jobs & Job Search Strategies September 4th 2021

    Every week, we at Cheeky Scientist scour the Internet for the best articles on topics that help in the search for the Best of Transition: PhD Job Search in the industry. Our two consultants independently search for the most informative articles in the categories of networking, CVs/resumes, interviews, transferable skills, academic blues, industry positions, and business acumen. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and a top overall article for the week if its a recent article that can help readers find and acquire PhD jobs, then we want to include it in this weekly digest.

    Use Resume Examples The Right Way

    Resume Name Ideas

    It’s important that you don’t simply use these resume examples verbatim, nor should you copy a co-worker’s and throw your name on top. Templates should be used as a guide, but they don’t allow for the uniqueness of your skills, experience, and career history. After all, a resume sample is just thata sample. The real deal info can only be added by you.

    Of course, there’s nothing wrong with taking a little bit from various resume examples to make it easier to construct your own. For instance, if you really like one person’s career summary and the way they’ve homed in on the value they’d bring to the job, you can apply that set-up to your own intro, as long as your content is distinct. Or you might like how accomplishments are clearly presented in another sample resume. You can simply update the numbers or results to make it applicable to you.

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    Company Vs Your Skills

    When you are writing your profile title for your resume, focus on what the company is looking for rather than what you find is the most professional. For example, you may find that your previous experience makes you stand out, but if the employer does not benefit from your previous experience, you should not include it. In other words, it is about the companys needs, not your own preferences.


    Use Bullet Points To Emphasize Skills And Accomplishments

    Bullets make it easier for employers to scan your resume quickly since they’re intended to grab the reader’s eye and lead it to the key points you want to make. Use them when you can, especially when you’re highlighting skills or accomplishments. For example:

    • Increased student organization membership by 25%

    Read Also: How Many References Should I Have On My Resume

    How To Create A Resume Profile On Monster

    To increase the chances of recruiters finding your resume on Monster, it is important to create an effective profile. Lets go through the steps to creating an effective profile on Monster.

    Step 1 Go to https://www.monster.com/ and hit the Post a Resume icon at the top middle. This will take you to a page where you can upload your resume.

    Step 2 Hit the Upload Your Resume icon in the middle of the page. It will take you to a page asking for your email and to set up a password. Also, it gives you the option: Email me career-related Monster updates and job opportunities. Check Yes to be sent job alerts. It will also ask: Email me Monster partner offers and promotions. For this, check No so that you do not get unrelated solicitations. Then hit Register.

    Step 3 The next page asks for the following information: First Name, Last Name, Country, ZIP Code, Current Career Level, Education level. You should fill in all the info and use the drop-down menus to choose the options that most fit your background.

    Step 4 Next, you will be asked for more information in the following categories: Resume Name, Desired Job Title, Most Recent Job Title, Most Recent Employer, Work Authorization for US, Make My Resume Searchable by Employers, Make My Resume Searchable by Diversity Employers, Give Me a FREE Resume Critique, Upload an Existing Resume or Create a Monster Resume. Lets break these down one at a time.

    b) Desired Job Title List the desired job you are looking for.

    Resume Writer Certifications: Not Very Transparent

    How to search resume by name, contact number or email id on Monster Job Portal?

    Monster claims that all their professional resume writers are certified. However, its not clear which certifications they hold. Someone who is certified as a professional resume writer must either be trained by someone who holds the certification or spends an extensive amount of time studying to write a resume and cover letter based on a case study. Other resume writing certificates include Certified Advanced Resume Writer , National Resume Writers’ Association , to name a few. We were a bit disappointed with the services lack of transparency.

    Monster also claims that their writers held previous positions in HR and recruiting in a variety of industries, indicating that a consumer will be matched with a writer who is familiar with their work experience. In addition, their resume writers have been trained by the pros at Monster. To what extent their writers have been trained is unknown.

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    Here Are A Few Sample Resume Names To Choose From:

    johnldoe.doc CSSWebDeveloperJDoe.doc

    Spelling Counts Too

    The rules of accurate spelling apply to your resume name every bit as much as it does in the document itself.

    If you have made a typo for example, SoftwreEnginre instead of SoftwareEngineer chances are good that your resume could go unexamined, or taken less seriously.

    A Name Is a Promise

    Dont be misleading. Your resume name should definitely reflect your qualifications.

    If youre a developer with no experience with CSS, dont put CSS in the file name. Its that simple.

    To do otherwise is going to waste some peoples time and make them rather miffed.

    Focus on Keywords, Job Title & So On

    You may have numerous qualifications that would make you a good candidate for any number of positions but you dont have to cram all of these into a single resume name, nor should you.

    A better strategy is to create a number of different resumes, each of which focuses on a specific, niche skill set and qualifications. For example, if youre a Web Designer who has worked as an insurance adjuster, create one resume for each job focus and use different names.

    Following these few simple tips in naming your resume file should make a great deal of difference in the number of responses you receive.

    Best Of Transition: Phd Jobs & Job Search Strategies September 18th 2021

    Every week, we at Cheeky Scientist scour the Internet for the best articles on topics that help in the search for the Best of Transition: PhD Job Search in the industry. Our two consultants independently search for the most informative articles in the categories of networking, CVs/resumes, interviews, transferable skills, academic blues, industry positions, and business acumen. Our consultants vote on a top article for each category and a top overall article for the week if its a recent article that can help readers find and acquire PhD jobs, then we want to include it in this weekly digest.

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    Why Post Resume On Monster

    In this age where technology keeps on advancing, hiring process has become more accessible. Before, you would need to print out your resume and mail it to employers. However, that isnt the case now. All you need to do is make a profile online, upload your resume, and share it the best job search engines like and Monster.

    Here are some reasons posting a resume on Monster helps you up your job search game.

  • It widens your network.
  • It helps you find a job easily.
  • You dont need to print tons of resume.
  • Its easy to update your profile.
  • Its free.
  • Monster has made finding job easy by making your profile readily available online. However, its a stiff competition. Thus, you need to make sure that your profile stands out. One way to ensure that is to hire professional resume writers.

    Resume Professional Writers offers resume writing services and other job search tool needs. Check out their satisfaction-guaranteed services now. And avail their services in 3 easy stepschoose a resume package, wait for confirmation, then receive your job-winning resume. Lets get started today!

    Check if your resume will pass that ATS assessment with high marks.Request a free resume review from Resume Professional Writers today!


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