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Should Your Address Be On Your Resume

More Tips When Applying For Out Of State Jobs:

Do Not Put Your Home Address On Your Resume! says Rick Gillis

If you read this article and didnt just skip to the bottom, you know the most important thing I recommend on your resume to get more interviews when relocating.

But what about the rest of your resume? Here are a couple more tips I recommend:

  • Tailor your resume bullet points to match the job description. If the first responsibility they list is project management, try to make your first bullet in your Work History section be about project management. Do this for the top 2-3 bullets in each job in your Work History section. Even if youre looking for a job after college and have no work experience, you can mention a project you managed in school.
  • Write great cover letters that are tailored to the company and show them why you want to work in their specific job, and why their city or state interests you as a place you want to live long-term.
  • Try to use your network to get introduced to companies whenever possible. This is often the fastest way to find a job because companies immediately trust you more when you come recommended. The importance of this becomes even greater in an out-of-state job search where companies really need a reason to consider you over local candidates.
  • Now that you know what to do, youre ready to start applying for jobs in a different city, state or even country. Use the tips above to get more interviews, and if you have a question on anything we covered, leave a comment below!


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    Case Study: Adams It Resume

    Moving into sales in IT, Adam included a general location when applying to Software AG. This showed the recruiter he was within vicinity of their offices and that his commute would be minimal; much like in Ramseys case.

    With the Enhancv resume builder, you can craft a resume that blows all other applicants out of the water. From design options to bullet and section suggestions and content writing tips, were here to help you land your dream job!

    Option #: Tell A White Lie

    This option is great if you dont want to tell a flat out lie, but youre not getting enough interviews telling the truth on your resume.

    Heres what to do Put your name and phone number on your resume, but dont list an address. Where youd normally put an address, instead say something like Relocating to Denver in March;2017.;.

    Using this approach to apply for jobs in a different city or state should get you a higher number of interviews without having to lie about where you currently live.

    This is still a bit of a lie, since youre probably not going to relocate without a job offer, but its also quite true- your goal is to find a job in the new city, and your plan is to relocate to that city if you can find a suitable position.

    This will get you the greatest number of phone interviews and will keep your resume out of the garbage pile.

    If you do ask you an interview question about this in the first conversation , you can tell them;you plan on relocating either way but you are trying to secure a job beforehand. That will put their mind at ease and quickly convince them youre serious about finding a job in their city.

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    Applying For Jobs Out Of State This Resume Tip Can Help

    • /

    Your resume is extremely important in finding a job;and is the biggest factor in whether you get the;interview or not.;Living in one state and applying for jobs out of state makes it even more vital.

    And one of the biggest hurdles is how to list your location on your resume when applying for jobs in a different state.

    A question on this topic was emailed to me by a reader last week:

    Hi Biron. Im living in San Francisco and trying to move to Denver. The problem Im running into is that Im not receiving any interviews and Im guessing its because there are local applicants that are equally qualified. I believe I can interview better than them and prove myself but I need to get into the interviews. My address and phone number on my resume are a dead giveaway that Im living in the Bay Area. Do you recommend that I lie on my resume to get a job interview?

    Where You Live Matters To Potential Employers And Could Make

    Address on a Resume: Should You Put It and How to Write It?

    “Should I put my address on my resume?” is a question many job seekers ask when preparing their resume for a;job search. While you’ve no doubt heard people emphasize the importance of “location, location, location” in any number of situations, the answer here is not so straightforward, with both pros and cons associated with including this personal information. Weigh these considerations before deciding whether or not to put your address on a professional resume.

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    Your Location May Affect Your Candidacy

    There are two main forms of bias you may encounter when including an address:

    • âLocation Bias: Location bias involves discrimination based on your physical location. For instance, letâs say a job applicant who lives in Miami, FL is applying for a job in Pheonix, AZ. They may encounter location bias due to being several states away.â
    • Distance Bias: Distance bias occurs when a job applicant lives in the same city or state as the business but is still not close in proximity. This typically occurs when job applicants would have to commute more than 30 minutes to their place of work.

    These kinds of biases are why many applicants choose to exclude their addresses from resumes.

    As an alternative to excluding the address, consider removing your street address only!

    A less specific address can help you get your foot in the door and avoid location or distance bias.

    Details That Give Away Your Age

    If you don’t want to be discriminated against for a position because of your age, it’s time to remove your graduation date, says Catherine Jewell, author of New Résumé, New Career.

    Another surprising way your résumé could give away your age: double spaces after a period. While many people were taught to type that way in school, it’s now an outdated practice.

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    Knowledge Of The Area

    There are some jobs that require in-depth knowledge of the locality. For example, if youre applying for a delivery service, it would make sense for you to know about the area youll be delivering in. Recruiters may look for your address to assess your knowledge of the area for this reason. This also comes into play for sales, too. In door-to-door sales, its important to understand the dynamics of communities. A candidate that has grown up in an area and currently resides in the area will understand this better than someone from out-of-town.

    Should You Put Your Address On Your Resume

    Should I Put My Home Address on My Resume

    Traditionally, including an address on a resume was standard practice as physical mail was the main way employers would respond after a submitted application. Today, most communication about the hiring process takes place online. As a result, including a full address is not always necessary.

    1. Name and contact information2. Summary or objectivec. Description of role and achievement4. Education5. Skills6. Optional

    Additionally, your physical address may be a piece of information you want to keep private until youve established a relationship with an employer. In this case, its often acceptable to leave your full address off your resume.

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    Sharing Your Address On Your Resume Allows Potential Unconscious Bias To Affect Your Chances Of Even Getting Your Foot In The Door For An Interview

    The real reason that should deter candidates from providing their full-address on a resume is to combat unconscious bias. When you provide your full-address on a resume, no matter how hard a hiring manager can try to avoid it, assumptions can and will be made.

    Think about it this way, if youre a potential candidate to a job that will be a 45-minute commute from your home and the hiring manager had negative experiences with employees that lived equally as far in the past, this may deter them from considering your application, to begin with.

    Each state, city, and town is so different that its important to consider the culture around commuting. In California, I lived on the Westside of Los Angeles. On my resume, I listed Los Angeles, CA as my address. Why? Because I knew how far I was willing to commute for a job and only applied to those that fell within reason.;

    This helped me gain interviews at companies I was extremely passionate about, regardless of how far they were from home.

    Determine Should I Put My Address On My Resume

    There are a number of companies that have the norms to put the address on their resume. The format of the traditional resume is to list out the address under your name; therefore, it might be mandatory for certain companies. If you hide the details of your address, you might be missing from writing the traditional resume. There are chances that your recruiter is seeking you for a particular geographical area.

    Additionally, applicants need to concern about their privacy as there are certain issues of scams. Therefore, you need to concern with whom you can share your personal address details while going for an interview. The best method to determine should you put your address on your resume is to decide the requirement of your address. So that you can include the address as per the necessity of the jobs for which you are going to apply.

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    Why Including Your Address Isnt Optional

    According to Carolyn Thompson, executive recruiter and managing principal at Merito Group, whether you already live in the state in which youre applying for jobs or are angling to relocate after landing a position, your address should always be included on your resume. While it might seem old-fashioned in todays digital-first world to include your snail mail contact info, Thompson says theres one critical reason you should keep your street address listed: not doing so might get you knocked out of the running.

    Many applicants choose to scrap their out-of-state address for fear of looking difficult to employ in the eyes of hiring managers.

    Add in the fact that resume space can often be pretty limited, and the address easily becomes one of the first items to meet the chopping block. And although scrapping the one-liner might seem like no big deal, Thompson says these days, leaving it off even if youre trying to conceal that youre not yet in the area might actually do more harm than good.

    Applicant tracking systems match by ZIP code, Thompson explains, and all recruiters use as a top priority field. Most usually search within 15 miles sometimes 25 miles.

    How To Include Your Contact Information On Your Resume

    Address on a Resume: Should You Put It and How to Write It?

    When you’re writing a;resume, it’s important to include all of your contact information at the top of the page. This allows employers to see how they can contact you.

    Without detailed contact information, or with incorrect contact information, employers will not be able to get in touch with you. You want to make it as easy as possible for an employer or hiring manager to contact you about the job you’re applying for.

    Learn more about what to include in your contact section and where to put the information. Plus, see a sample contact section for a resume.

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    Security Concerns Of Including Your Personal Address On Resume

    Aside from job scams, or people pretending to be recruiters to harvest personal information, you might also be concerned with who else can access or share the personal information included on your resume.

    Resumes available on online job sites and resume databases, for example, can be viewed by just about anyoneeven if they have no intention of hiring.;

    There are faster and more convenient ways to get personal information though, so your resume isnt likely the number one thing people check.;

    Still, it pays to be vigilant so be careful where you include your home address and contact information. Be careful when including your address on your resume in the following scenarios:

    Address On A Resume: Should You Put It And How To Write It

    Your resume is ready and youre about to hit that send button. One last look and youve realized your address is missing. Oh no! Or wait do you actually need it at all?

    In the age of digital communication, is there any reason why you should put your address on your resume?

    In this article, well show you:

    • When you should put an address on your resume.
    • When its not advisable to include it in your job application.
    • Examples of how to write an address on your resume.

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    If you are looking for some resume examples in your field check out our awesome Resume Examples to Land Any Job.;

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    The Reality Of Including Your Address On Your Resume

    For the most part, recruiters do not need your full address on your resume. When using address information, the recruiter likely will only need to know your general area to be able to assess you as a potential candidate. While certain circumstances will call for a permanent home address, this is the exception to the rule. If you want to keep your personal information safe while providing the recruiter everything they need, include your location in your resume header just like others have using Enhancv.

    What If Im Relocating

    What Email Address Should I Use on My Resume | What to Put on a Resume

    When applying to jobs out-of-state or in a different country, its best to confront this directly. While many have applied for jobs and lied about their current location, I wouldnt recommend doing so. Simply state in your resume header that you are planning to relocate to X location.

    For example, if applying to a job in Ohio from California, your resume header should state Planning to relocate to Ohio. This provides the recruiter with all the information they need to make an informed decision on whether or not to pursue your application.

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    The Resume Trick That Can Help You Get Your Foot In The Door

    Given that most recruiters and major companies use applicant tracking software to sift through candidates, Thompson says that not including your location on your resume makes the ATS more likely to skip over you altogether. That doesnt mean you have to take yourself out of the running, though; for applicants open to relocating, including an objective statement outlining a willingness to move, accompanied by the citys ZIP code, can make all the difference.

    To make things even clearer, Thompson recommends including a specific move date to clear up any worry on the hiring managers side. And of course, put them way up at the top to grab the recruiters attention.;

    As she tells it, something to the tune of, moving to XYZ area effective XYZ date, is key. Specific phrases like, willing to relocate, can also help applicants get flagged by ATS software, though Thompson says it doesnt always solve the ZIP code search issue with companies or outside recruiters. For the most part, its best practice to include the ZIP code of the city youre looking to wind up in somewhere on the resume.

    How To Write An Address On A Resume

    Once you have decided to include your address on a resume, the next most important step is formatting the address correctly.

    First and foremost, you must place the address in the correct area of your resume.

    Typically, this will be within the contact information section that follows directly after your name.

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    Recruiter Advantage: Time Wasting

    As mentioned, there are some jobs that lend themselves to local workers. Recruiters dont want to have to go through scheduling an interview and having you come in to figure out whether or not youll be suitable. Including your address therefore improved efficiency and in many cases,will save the recruiter resources.

    If Youre Not Relocating Do You Need Your Address On Your Resume


    Technically, no. Its not like anyone ever sends written correspondence;by mail anymore so there is no actual need for someone to have your full address sitting on your resume.

    That being said, recruiters do want to know where you are and they often want to make sure youre local. That means youll be able to make it into the office for in-person interviews and that they wont have to pay to relocate you if you get an offer.

    If youre not relocating, you;should be indicating your location on your resume header in some way, even if its not a complete address. Two examples are below.

    As you can see you can either put your full address or you can just put your city and state. As a local candidate, I do recommend one of these options.;

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