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How To Send Resume To Referral

Scenario : You Actually Know Somebodyand Theyre More Than Just An Acquaintanceat The Hiring Organization

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Here are some things to include in the email:

  • Informal greeting
  • Checking in
  • Show of genuine interest in the latest goings on
  • Reference to the job youre interested in, including a link to the posting, as well as the name of the person who would be supervising this new hire;
  • Offer options for how your friend might help you
  • Try to include something that may be helpful to her, as well
  • Attach both an updated resume and cover letter

Professional Connection Email Template #1:

Hi Divya!

I hope everything is going well on your end. Its been so exciting to see all of your recent success with the job and the move and everything . Please keep sharing your updates!

As you know, Im currently on the hunt for my next step, and I recently came across a posting for a at . It seems like it could be a great fit for me and I wanted to see if you have any intel on the position, the team, or what they may be looking for in a candidate.

If theyre still actively looking to fill the role, it would be great to speak with somebody in the office. If youd be willing to make an introduction, Id love to chat with a member of the team who may be a bit closer to the position. Of course, if youre not able to make that connection, any insight that you can offer;would be greatly appreciated!

Ive attached an updated version of my resume and cover letter so that you can get a better sense of my specific experience. Of course, let me know if you have any questions at all.



Employee Referral Email To Hr Sample

Some companies allow employees to refer candidates for the job openings and even if your company doesnt have such a policy still you can refer suitable candidates for the job openings after talking with your HR department.

Internal communication with employees is one of the best ways to let the employees know what kind of job openings are there in the organization, and what skills and knowledge is required for those jobs.

Employee referrals reduces hiring cost to the employers and mostly it saves time to the HR department.

Benefits Of Employee Referrals When Looking For A Job

Employee referrals carry huge weight in the hiring decision-making process. In a 2017 study, 39% of recruiters said they are more likely to use referral programs as a hiring source than any other option. Another recent study found that 40% of all hires in the US come from employee referrals. Referred hires also tend to be paid more and hired quicker than non-referred hires.

This makes sense. A professional reference from a hiring manager or employers coworker or acquaintance will be more valuable to a hiring manager than a strangers reference.

Job referrals work because hiring managers can be confident that their coworkers understand their companys culture and values. These references show that an employee of the company is confident that the applicant will be a successful hire.

Hiring managers expect you to put your best foot forward in a job application, but when someone is putting that foot forward for you, it immediately makes your claims more credible. Basically, job referrals vouch for the quality of the candidates.

Job referrals can also help you secure an interview and may even help you secure the job as long as you are meeting the companys other requirements for the position.

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Tips For An Effective Referral

As you’re working through the referral process, follow these tips for an effective referral:

  • Only agree to referrals you support. If you feel hesitant to refer someone for a job, it is probably best to let them know that the position is not a good fit.
  • Follow the business letter format. In general, it’s always a good idea to default to a business letter format when you’re writing a professional reference. This appeals to all employers.
  • Reference the job description. Before you write the letter, make sure you understand exactly what skills and experience the company wants in a candidate. You’ll be able to highlight the requestor’s best attributes as they relate to the specific position.
  • Use specific examples. When you use specific examples, it makes it easier for employers to visualize people working for the company. List at least two examples that support your recommendation.
  • Include contact information. Remember to leave your contact information in the heading of your letter so hiring managers know how to follow up with you.

Denver, CO 80014

Dear Ms. Fuller,

As you are reviewing candidates for the open customer service position, I thought I would take the time to recommend my friend, Morgan Little, for the job. I’ve known Morgan for the past three years when we met in college during a business development class. More recently, she and I worked together in a call center last summer. I was constantly impressed with her conversational skills and attention to detail.

Stay Alert For The Response

10+ Sample Referral Letters

The challenge doesnt end with crafting the perfect email to forward.;

Once its off and delivered, stay alert for the awaited reply. You might get it in minutes, days, or never. In case you do, replying as soon as possible is a sure sign of high employee engagement, trustworthiness, and conscientious attitude, all are virtues that recruiters value.

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Example For Requesting A Referral From A Stranger

Also called a âcold email,â this technique can nevertheless be powerful during a job search.

After reviewing your recent accomplishments for your company, I am excited at the prospect of contributing to the firmâs success myself. My resume has been included with this letter. I would appreciate it if you could review it briefly. I am sure that you will find that I would be a valuable member of your companyâs team. If so, then I would also appreciate any help you can offer by way of introducing me to your companyâs hiring personnel.

Youâre less likely to get a response from a cold email, so keep messages to these types of connections simple and follow up 5 to 10 days later.

When You Should And Shouldnt Name Drop

There are many circumstances when you should mention a referral in your cover letter, as well as some when you should not.

You should name drop when:

A current or former employee mentioned the opening to you and suggested that you apply.

If someone in your network mentioned the opening to you and recommended that you apply, you should absolutely go for it, assuming that youre interested in the job. This is the best context for name dropping in a cover letter since you didnt even have to actively seek out the referral it came to you without you having to ask.

You saw a listing for the job and contacted someone in your network who works there, who said you could mention her by name in your application.

In many cases, you will see an opening at a company, and if you know someone who works there, it is a good idea to reach out to her to ask if you might be able to mention her in your application. If she says yes, then you can feel free to do so. She may also offer tips and advice on getting your application noticed.

You reached out to someone who is not a contact on or via another resource, such as an alumni network, and she agreed that you could use her as a referral.

You should not name drop when:

You dont have explicit permission from the contact to do so.

The contact isnt in good standing with the employer.

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Referral Request Email Template

Wondering the best way to structure your request for a referral?

Be sure to mention the specific job that youre applying for, and keep your message succinct.

Job referral email template:

Hi ,

I hope this message finds you well. . Im in the middle of job searching at the moment and am interested in applying for the open position at .

Do you have any advice, and might you be willing to put in a word for me? Im attaching my resume for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Referral Request Email To Employees Template

How to email your resume to an employer. Jobs in Dubai.

This;template for referral request email to employees, and use;it to encourage your employees to refer high-quality candidates for any open job positions you may have. Many companies agree that referrals are often their best hires. So, encouraging your employees to refer can significantly accelerate and improve your hiring process.

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Select The Right People To Contact

To make sure you are reaching out to the right people for your message, consider a few things. First, think about who is well connected and knows the right people to accomplish your business goal. This could be someone who is well networked in a certain industry or someone who can lead you to more business in a specific vertical.

Only ask people for referrals who are trustworthy and will put in a positive word for you. Make sure they are asking connections who they know well and get along with. Asking, Who do you like? when considering taking a referral from a third party is a good way to see where the relationships are before you create your shortlist.

Create A Strong Subject Line

Business Managers have busy schedules and limited time to answer queries. If an email arrives with an ambiguous subject line or something that does not grab their attention, they will most likely give it a skip.

Your referral email should have a strong, attention-grabbing subject line that clearly outlines your intentions. As such, it is always good to mention the name of the person who referred you in the subject line.

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What Should Be Included In A Referal Program Email:

  • A strong email subject line announcing that you are seeking a qualified .
  • Start the email by announcing the exciting news of an open position in department.
  • List the responsibilities and job requirements.
  • Mention that this person should have qualifications and experience.
  • End the mail by mentioning ways employees can refer candidates if they know of someone who would be a good fit.
  • Thank the staff and put your signature in the mail.

The Benefits Of Being Referred

Template Lead Referral Agreement

Referred candidates are a leading source of new hires, and many employers actively seek referrals when hiring for open positions. Even if a company doesn’t have a formal employee referral program, referrals are typically welcomed as a way to expedite the hiring process and secure strong candidates for available jobs.

Having a referral name to mention in your cover letter helps the hiring manager understand the shared connection you have with them or their employer. A referral also helps relate your experience to the open position;and, depending on how you know the referring party, can provide some insight into how well you might fit in at the company.

Your cover letter also provides an opportunity to briefly highlight your education, skills, and qualifications for the job. In addition to mentioning your referral, you’ll have the chance to add a few specific examples of why you are the best candidate for the position and share other details not included on your resume.

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Ask If They Can Refer You

When you ask someone to refer you, don’t ask: “Could you write a reference letter for me?” or “Can you refer me?” Just about anyone can write a letter or say they’ll refer you.

The problem can be what they are going to say. Rather, ask: “Do you feel you know my work well enough to refer me for a job at your company?” or “Do you feel you could give me a referral?” That way, your referrer has an out if they are not comfortable providing a referral for you, and you can be assured that those who say “yes” will be enthusiastic about your performance and will write a positive letter or give you a strong endorsement.

Template For Referral Request Email To Employees

Subject Line: We need your help!

Hi all,

As you already know, we are constantly growing. Consequently, we are in a constant need for talented people like you.;

We are currently looking for a person who would be a good fit for our open position. If you know someone who would be a good fit for this position and for our company’s culture, please send them our way 🙂

In order to refer someone, I just need you all to answer a few questions:;

  • Person’s name and last time?
  • How do you know the person?
  • What position do you think this person would be a good fit for?
  • What is the person’s expertise and most valuable skills for our company?
  • Why do you think this person would be a good fit for us?

I am sure some of you have at least one person in your network who would be a great addition to our team!

Also, I encourage you all to, from time to time, check our career page for any new job openings we may have. Here is the link to our career site: . If you ever have someone on mind you would like to refer, please don’t hesitate to do so.

If you have any questions about our referral process, please ask me at any time!

Thank you all for your help!

Need more HR and recruiting templates like this Ask employees for referrals email template? Check templates for Human Resources and templates for Recruiters.

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Keep It Short And Straight To The Point

No one has enough time, especially the HR manager, to battle a wall of text on your email. Thats the reason why you should be straightforward right from your opening. So no fancy narratives, and no jokes, either.;

First and foremost, mention how you find the offer through someone. For example:

My dear friend Michael Frank mentioned that you have an opening in your marketing department, and he thought Id be a good match.

After that, show your interest in the position. Just because you get the job offer through someones reference doesnt mean you are the recruiters first choice. But who is the good match is the thing that matters. Prove you are!

Email Template For Sourcing A Referred Candidate

How To Create A Cover Letter For A Job – GOOD Cover Letter Example

Below is a sample email referred by someone for your perusal:;

Subject: referred you for

Dear ,

My name is , at . Right now, we are looking for someone to fill the post of and suggested you as the perfect fit for it.

I reviewed your profile, and taking your experience and relevant accomplishments into account, I am inclined to agree. We at are always on the lookout for more experienced members to join our team.

If you are interested in the opportunity or have any questions regarding the position, feel free to reach out to me at . We can coordinate a call at a time that works for us both.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope to hear from you again!


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Choose When To Ask For Referrals

First, decide when you want to use referrals to find qualified candidates. Will you ask for referrals at the beginning of the hiring process or will you first try the more traditional recruiting methods, like job advertising? Do you want to use them for every open role or only for specific positions that are harder to fill?

These questions will be easier to answer once youve set your hiring goals. For example, if you want to recruit candidates faster than usual, it makes sense to ask for referrals right away, as theyre proven to reduce the overall time to hire.

Its also important to consider how hiring processes for a specific role have worked in the past. Lets say you often hire new designers at your company and lately youre struggling to find good candidates. This is a hint its time to look into new candidate sources such as referrals from current employees. On the other hand, if youve always found promising designers on portfolio sites, theres no need to change your hiring habits.

Scenario : You Have A Mutual Connection With Somebody At Your Organization Of Interest But Dont Know Anybody Who Works Directly For The Hiring Organization

Here are some things to include in the email:

  • Informal greeting
  • Checking in
  • Show of genuine interest in the latest goings on
  • Reference to job youre interested in, as well as the names of the hiring organization and the mutual connection
  • Offer options for how your acquaintance might help you
  • Try to include something that may be helpful to her, as well
  • Attach both an updated resume and cover letter

Professional Connection Email Template #3:

Hi Divya!

I hope everything is going well on your end. Its been so exciting to see all of your recent success with the;job and the move and everything. Please keep sharing your updates!

As you know, Im currently on the hunt for my next step, and I recently came across a posting for a at and it seems like it could be a really great fit! Im reaching out because it looks like you may have a connection over there. Are you still in touch with or is he;more of a casual acquaintance?

If you are in touch and youd be willing to make an introduction, Id love to chat with . Of course, if youre not able to make the connection, any insight on would be greatly appreciated!

Ive attached an updated version of my resume and cover letter so that you can get a better sense of my specific experience. Please let me know if you have any questions at all.

Finally, while I was researching , I came across this article that I thought you might be interested in. Id love to hear your thoughts!



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