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How Many Jobs List On Resume

Before You Get Started

Tips for job seekers: How far back to go on a resume

Read the entire job announcement. Focus on the following sections to understand whether or not you qualify for the position. This critical information is found under:

  • Duties and Qualifications
  • How to Apply
  • How You Will be Evaluated

Make sure you have the required experience and/or education before you apply. Hiring agencies use the job announcement to describe the job and the required qualifications, including:

  • Level and amount of experience
  • Education
  • Training

Mistake #: Not Putting Facts Numbers And Accomplishments

If your resume employment history is full of phrases like, Responsible for, then youre missing a big opportunity to impress employers.

They want to see specific accomplishments in a past position, like, Led a team of 4 people to reorganize client on-boarding program, resulting in a 23% increase in client retention year-over-year.

Heres how to write great resume bullets like this.

Do I Need To Put All Past Work Experience On A Resume


You don’t necessarily need to list every job you’ve had on your resume. In fact, if you’ve been in the workforce several years, many career experts advise listing only your most recent employers or including just the positions relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you’ve worked in a diverse array of industries, you may also want to omit some of your experience, especially if it’s not related to the job you’re seeking.

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Examples Of References On Resumes

Letâs take a look at a few examples of references on resumes to learn more about common mistakes made when crafting a reference and how to correct them.

It is highly important to include the necessary information to contact a reference â just a name and company is not enough. You should always include at least an official business number and an official business email in your references.


Always Include Experience That Is Relevant To The Job You Are Applying For

13 Benefits Of How Many Jobs Should Be Listed On A Resume ...

When creating your job list, remember to prioritize experiences and skills that are relevant to the specific job opening. For example, you may have volunteered for an organization or held an internship that gave you more relevant experience than your first job. In that case, always choose to highlight the more relevant information.

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Where To Put Your Work History Section On Your Resume

Short answer: If you have any work experience at all, this section is the #1 most important thing on your resume and the first place hiring managers and recruiters look. It should be on the top half of the first page.

Dont put your Skills section before it. No hiring manager or recruiter wants to see a general list of your skills before they see your work experience. You can read more about how to write your resume Skills section and where to list it here.

Dont put your Education section before it, either, unless you are a Doctor or have a Ph.D. and are in a profession where this educational background is a hard requirement to obtaining any job in the field.

For everyone else, which is 95%+ of people, just put your name and contact details centered at the top of your resume, then put a one-paragraph career summary, and then go right into your work experience.

You can label the section whatever you want: Work History, Employment History, or Work Experience, etc.

But the point is your work history should be extremely easy to find, without the hiring manager having to search or scroll down.

How Far Back Should Work History Go On Application

How many years back on resume should you focus? There is no one universal answer since it depends on your specific situation, career ladder, and specialization. However, in any case, the entries in your document should not be older than 2005 . It will help you to present the most relevant and fresh data for a future employer.

Your main task in 2020 is to be easily trained, flexible, and ready for rapid development. Your resume should be the same: fresh and professional, complying with all modern standards.

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How Many Jobs To List On Resume

How many jobs should you list on a resume? It doesnt matter whether you are a beginner or a professional, try to limit your list to 5 jobs. In fact, it will be enough to indicate 2-3 places with key responsibilities. But how to format them correctly? Here is a detailed instruction for you.

  • Company name. Write the full name of the company. A short abbreviation may not be familiar to the HR manager. Also, you can specify additional data: location, occupation, number of workers, etc.
  • Position. Your position should be clear. For example, you should not write manager or lawyer these are too general concepts. Deputy Sales Director or Corporate Lawyer are much better options.
  • Dates. Indicate the year and month of the start of work and dismissal. The recruiter must understand how long you have been working in one company .
  • Responsibilities and achievements. Describe your primary responsibilities. All information should be honest, reasonable, and relevant to the vacancy.
  • So, how many jobs should be listed on a resume? Describe the 3-4, most suitable job positions from your career. However, it is worth keeping the chronological sequence. Long gaps in employment can cause further questions for the HR manager. But it is permissible if you can explain it with maternity leave, or another logical reason.

    Why You Shouldnt List Every Job On A Resume

    How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

    You still might have the urge to list 30 years worth of experience and your last 20 employers. Its best to fight that urge, and heres why

    • Too many jobs make you look like you cant hold a job

    • Too many years makes it look like youre ready to retire

    • Recruiters and hiring managers frankly dont care what you did more than 15 years ago

    • Listing all of your jobs can take up too much space, and a resume should be brief

    Recommended Reading: How Far Back Do You Go On A Resume

    How To Tailor Your Resume For Different Jobs

    Your resume should be tailored for each job you apply for by including certain keywords. The benefit of applying for similar jobs with the same career goal is that you wonât have to edit the bulk of your resume, which saves you a lot of time. Instead, look for opportunities to quickly switch out keywords that both an ATS and a hiring manager are looking for. Weâve identified five valuable keyword opportunities below.

    Providing Irrelevant Personal Information

    The personal details you are expected to include on your CV will vary in different countries. It is important to consider what information you are sharing with employers. In the UK, avoid a CV with a photograph, date of birth, nationality and marital status. Similarly, if you have social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook for personal use, you do not need to share these. This is another opportunity to make a positive impression.

    Think about the position you are applying for and how your interests and achievements relate to it. An interest in the exhibitions would be useful to mention if you want to work in the arts sector community engagement activities would be suitable if you want to work in the charity sector involvement in sport activities would be advantageous if you want a career in the sports sector. You can highlight other activities that demonstrate transferable skills and your values.

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    Approach : Create Separate Position Descriptions

    If each of your positions is strong and relevant, separate the job titles and provide individual position descriptions. This approach is a great way to reveal your achievement history according to position and time frame. Pay attention to how you format these jobs so that you don’t appear to be job-hopping. By keeping the overall date range next to the employer’s name and indenting the job titles, the reader will easily see that you moved around within one organization. For example:

    COMPANY NAME – City, State, 2/01 to present

    • Store Manager, 8/03 to presentDescribe responsibilities and achievements
    • Assistant Manager, 5/02 to 8/03Describe responsibilities and achievements

    Create A Separate Reference Page

    13 Benefits Of How Many Jobs Should Be Listed On A Resume ...

    More often than not, job applicants who have chosen to include references on their resume will do so on an entirely separate page to be included with the resume.

    The second option of listing your references on a separate page is actually the preferred and recommended method.

    This is because references are not generally expected to be included on an initial resume and can take up unnecessary space that may be off-putting to hiring managers.

    Comparatively, a separate page of references gives the hiring manager the opportunity to look more closely at the information in the resume without becoming visually disoriented by too many sections.

    Hint: Not sure how to list other sections of your resume? Check out our Resume Guides to learn more about how to craft each section of your resume.

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    Formatting Your Previous Work Experience To Impress Employers

    The best resume format for job seekers is the reverse chronological format, which means you should begin your experience with your most recent role on top and then work backward through your professional career.

    For each position, include the job title, dates, and company name, and then describe your professional experience and achievements in that role. You can either use a brief paragraph to describe the role and then bullets, or use only bullets. However, you should not use only paragraph format when writing your work experience section.

    This is a mistake that many job seekers make, and it leads to their resume being skimmed over by recruiters and hiring managers. Bullets do a better job of catching attention and getting an employer to closely read your experience section.

    If you held multiple jobs in a company over time, list each job with its own dates and relevant experience. Its a huge mistake to not show each specific job title under a company, because this shows that you were promoted and advanced.

    As a final step, as you write your previous work descriptions and bullet points, glance at the job description to ensure youre covering the important skills that employers seem to want for the job youre pursuing.

    This is known as tailoring a resume.

    How Many Years Of Experience Should You Include

    How should you decide what to include? If you are uncertain how many years of experience to include on your resume, let the job posting be your guide. If a job requires 20 years of experience, for example, you’ll want to include more than 10 – 15 years of work history.

    Include positions from earlier in your career that are relevant to the role you are applying for.

    It’s acceptable to include 10 – 15 years of experience on your resume. In many industries, sharing experience that dates back more than 15 years just isn’t very helpful for hiring managers. It doesn’t support your candidacy to share an experience with tools and technology that are no longer in use.

    Plus, when you have many years of experience, listing it all can flag you as an older job seeker to employers.

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    Approach : Stack The Job Titles

    This strategy is good if you would like to emphasize your highest-level position and show promotions within the organization. Include the overall date range for your employer next to the company name and location, followed by a list of positions in reverse chronological order . For example:

    COMPANY NAME – City, State, 2/01 to present

    • Store Manager, 8/03 to present
    • Assistant Manager, 5/02 to 8/03
    • Clerk, 2/01 to 5/02

    To emphasize your promotional advancement, lead your position description with something like: Promoted to store manager to… and then describe the challenges and responsibilities that you assumed with your promotion. Be sure to include a bulleted list of achievements, which can reflect your contributions from any of your positions.

    On your Monster resume, you can keep one employment listing by including your highest position in the Formal Title field, and then explaining that you held other positions in the Work Description section.

    If you held numerous positions with one employer, the above list of job titles will start to take up valuable space on your resume. Summarize your early job titles using one line of text. For example:

    COMPANY NAME – City, State, 2/01 to present

    • Store Manager, 8/03 to present
    • Assistant Manager, 5/02 to 8/03
    • Early Positions: Student Intern, Clerk and Retail Sales Rep, 2/01 to 5/02

    Resume Example And Template

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    This is an example of a resume with earlier jobs listed as additional experience. or see the text version below.

    EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTProviding confidential and diversified administrative support to C-level executivesHighly organized and personable Executive Assistant well-versed in meeting and event coordination, calendaring and appointment scheduling, reception, correspondence drafting, and travel planning.

    Creative and skilled in using Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative Cloud to develop dynamic corporate communications materials, newsletters, and presentations.


    ABC ENTERPRISES, Tampa, FloridaEXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Meticulously perform executive administrative functions for C-level officers of global development group. Schedule and supervise team of five administrative assistants and receptionists make all arrangements for travel, public and stakeholder relations functions, conferences, and meetings. Notable accomplishments:

    • Spearheaded offices transition to cloud-based corporate communications technologies.
    • Successfully negotiated cost-effective contracts with vendors, caterers, resorts, and other service providers that reduced annual costs by more than $25K.
    • Orchestrated all details for major stockholder events including annual meetings, golf tournaments, and receptions.
    • Set up and administered CEOs social media presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.


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    Why Employers Care About Work Experience On Your Resume

    Heres what Ive discovered after years of working as a recruiter

    If you have work experience , your recent work experience is the first place a hiring manager or recruiter looks on your resume to see if youre a good fit for their job.

    So you want to put it front-and-center, and make sure your bullet points and other employment history details are GREAT.

    For 95% of job seekers, there should only be a few things that come before your work history on your resume: You should put your name/contact info, a brief resume summary section, but thats it.

    After this, you should be diving right into the employment history on your resume, because its what employers want to see right away on your resume.

    Add Relevant Information For Each Job

    Even if you don’t create a brand new document for each position, you should at least make an effort to tailor your resume to the specific role. Recruiters want to know that you really want the job and you are not just blanketing the internet with resumes for every job listing. This means that if you have numerous years of experience in other unrelated fields, you may want to choose to focus only on those that directly relate to your desired role or field. In this case, you can either leave these other positions off your resume entirely or list them in a separate section. You can title these sections Related Experience and Other Experience. This way the hiring manager can easily get an overview of your relevant professional experience without getting bogged down in non-essential info.

    • Lie or embellish
    • List irrelevant jobs, especially if your resume is getting long

    On other hand, if you’re a recent graduate or don’t have much professional experience, you’ll want to list all of the experience that you do have. This goes for any work you did during high school or college, internships, volunteer work and even summer jobs. It does not have to be full-time work. Even part-time experience is better than no experience. Your prospective employer will want to see proof that you’ve previously worked in some capacity, no matter how minor or unrelated.

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    Addressing Gaps In Your Work History

    Rather than leaving a gap, it is best to indicate what you were doing whether you were a full-time parent, on maternity leave, traveling, studying, or volunteering. If you are currently in a gap period, you may want to consider fitting in some volunteer work along with the job search which is an excellent element to include in your resume. You are likely to catch the eye of a potential employer if you can show you have participated in some type of volunteer work even on a very limited basis.

    How To List Multiple Positions At One Company On Resume

    13 Benefits Of How Many Jobs Should Be Listed On A Resume ...

    As you rise the ranks at your company, learn how to format a resume the right way.

    Writing a resume is often a daunting challenge. It can be difficult to determine what information to include, how to organize and name each section of your resume, and the best resume format to tell your career story.

    One of the most common questions professional resume writers receive is How do I list multiple jobs within the same company? It’s a perfectly understandable dilemma. If resume sections are typically separated by job and company, what do you do when there is only a foggy distinction between the two? Well, this could be done in one of two ways you could either combine the experience into one listing or separate it into multiple. Let’s take a look.

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