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How To Add Workshop Details In Resume

After That Create An Additional Section If Needed

Employment and Training Services – Resume Workshop

You may create a subsection in the education section of your resume to make your coursework look more relevant to the job. You may use detailed bullet points mentioning crucial information about the coursework.

For example, if you include writing coursework, you may mention any specific writing formats or referencing styles you learned. You may create another section if you are creating an online resume that anyone can access. In some cases, it may be better to list your coursework details on a subsection on your webpage dedicated to your educational achievements.

Example : Resume Summary

Teacher Trainer applying for the position of Education Assistant


This employee was given such a prestigious award for a reason. They mentioned remarkable numbers describing their remarkable training skills.

Be specific and affirm your position in the industry! Do not hesitate to list examples of your training experience. Maybe you didnât win an award, but you should definitely present the best version of yourself.

Write Bullet Points For The Job You Want

Create each of your work experience bullet points with the job posting in mind. Each bullet should showcase your skills and experience thats related to the job opening.

You can also use specific keywords from the job description. These keywords are skills and qualifications you may have. Including resume keywords from the job posting ensures you address the hiring managers requirements.

It also helps you to write an applicant tracking system ready resume. An ATS is software that scans resumes for keywords and shows the hiring manager applications that include them.

Dont go back further than 1015 years to avoid the hiring manager discriminating against you based on your age.

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The Certification Is Credible

Ideally, the certificate is obtained by a credible institution that the employer would recognize. The more credible the certificate issuer, the more valuable the earned certificate.

Example of Credible certifications for a software engineering candidate

Incorrect â Certification in Algorithms & Data Structures by Random YouTube Channel”

Correct â Certification in Algorithms & Data Structures by Harvard University”

Learn How To Format Education On Your Resume

Sports &  Fitness

There isn’t really a right or a wrong way to format your resume education section, as long as you list all necessary information clearly.

Here are a couple examples of how to list college on your resume:

May 2017New York University, New York, NYBachelor of Arts, Communications

New York University, New York, NYB.A., Communications, May 2017

If you want to list a double major on your resume, make sure the most relevant major comes first.

Now, here’s an example of how to format your education section with additional information:

May 2017New York University, New York, NYBachelor of Arts, CommunicationsHonors: Cum laude Dean’s List for 4 semesters

Thesis: Teenagers, Texting, and Interpersonal RelationshipsRelevant Coursework: Language and Identity, Media and Values, Mass Media Law Active member of the Wagner Student Association and the NYU Arts and Culture Network

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Why Should I List Online Courses On A Resume

Listing online courses on your resume can have numerous benefits when applying to jobs. These reasons include:

  • Demonstrates your development: Participating in online courses aimed at your professional development shows employers your interest in continuing to grow your skills and knowledge. Some certifications can demonstrate to employers that you can perform the tasks of the role effectively.

  • Differentiates you from other candidates: When compared against other candidates, your online training could help you stand out as a more knowledgeable or advanced candidate. You may be able to demonstrate you have qualifications that others do not.

  • Fills in career gaps: If you have an employment gap on your resume, listing online courses taken during that time shows that you remained active. It shows employers that you were working on advancing your skills while searching for a new job to stay competitive as a candidate.

  • Helps tailor your resume: A tailored resume incorporates keywords from the job description. Some employers list certification or training requirements, so having a dedicated section for online training can make it easier for you to include those keywords and pass applicant tracking systems.

Related:How to Show You’re Willing to Learn on a Resume

What’s Included In The Experience Section Of A Resume

This section of your resume is where employers will look to see what jobs and job titles you’ve held in the past, providing them with an informative picture of your career arc.

Ideally, you want the experience section of your resume to demonstrate growth. Over the course of your career so far, youve almost certainly added skills, experience, and responsibility. This section will highlight how youve developed as a candidate, as well as providing a sense that youre an ambitious person whos always learning.

If your career path has taken some twists and turns, this might give you pause, but dont worry even a zig-zag path can demonstrate growth.

Some of the strongest candidates are those whove added skills in other, seemingly unrelated fields. Its all about how you present the information. Its also fine to leave out jobs that dont fit the story youre trying to tell the hiring manager.

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Certifications In A Minor Section On Your Resume

Do you need more space on your resume, like people with a lot of work experience? Another resume format that works great is a a small dedicated certificates section. This smart resume space-saving tactic is especially effective when the section is placed in the smaller column of a 2-column resume template.

Putting certifications in a side section is highly recommended for certificates that youâve classified as optional. Or if you can fill major space on your resume with relevant experiences.

This data analyst resume example shows how strategic placement of a small dedicated Certifications section creates more room for the experience section.

Smart Serve Training Workshop

Resume Workshop

Workshop Description

Smart Serve is for people who work or volunteer in an environment in which alcoholic beverages are served. The workshop helps people to develop proactive approaches to preventing alcohol-related problems, to recognize signs of intoxication and to implement intervention strategies for aggressive customers.

Certificates and lapel pins are provided by Smart Serve Ontario.

Cost: $22.50

How to Register

For more information, contact TEC at 491-7000 and speak to the Smart Serve Workshop facilitator.

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Example : Under The Experience Section


Creative DirectorCommunication Sutra, May 2016âJune 2019

  • Brought Bombay Steel’s account and led their marketing communications campaign, resulting in 10% annual revenue growth.

  • Led the creative team for the rebranding of Red Media Networks.

  • Conceptualised Nexus Ceramics TVC campaign to communicate the new brand philosophy.

  • Strategised the marketing campaign for Game Stream, Inc and improved paid sign-ups by 45% in six months.

  • Led Better Bean’s ‘Arise’ campaign that won the best creative TVC award of 2018.

Where To Put Internships

Work Experience Section: Because internships provide important work experience, you should include your internships in the Work Experience or Work History section of your resume, along with other jobs you have held.

Internships Section: If you have held multiple internships, you can include a separate Internships section on your resume. Put this section towards the top of your resume. Put your Internships section above your Work History section if your internships are particularly relevant to the job you are applying for.

Whatever you do, dont put your internships at the bottom of your resume or in the Education section. Internships are real-world experiences, and should be given as much weight as a job.

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Resume Example For An Hr Position

Inston College, Nashville, TN2015 to 2019Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management, with courses focusing on project management, leadership, recruitment and staffing

Relevant coursework

  • Motivation theories: Learned different practices for improving employee morale, studying real-life examples as guides
  • Recruitment processing: Practiced creating recruitment forms and job descriptions. Studied the process involved in interviewing applicants and choosing the correct candidate for the job.

Including A Conference Or Seminar In A Cv

Course Instructor Resume Samples

Figuring out what to include in your resume is one of all job seekers most daunting, yet important, tasks. Many feel that there isnt much room there for them to write all they need.

Once they have their work history, education, and skills down, candidates have to make decisions regarding what other sections to add to the document and which ones to bin. Its hard to consider something irrelevant when its part of your professional development and achievements.

So what happens with events such as workshops, seminars, and lectures? Should you include conferences in your CV?

In this article, well explore various options for applicants when it comes to highlighting congresses and other professional gatherings.

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How To List Conference Presentations In A Resume

Conference information typically has its own section of the resume. Whether you aspire toward an academically-oriented position or you’re aiming for a more business-oriented job, showing that you have experience presenting at conferences can add something valuable to your resume. If you really want to underline a particular conference experience, you might also mention it in more detail in your cover letter.

How To Put Certifications On Resume

Once youve defined what type of certifications to specify in your resume in order to stand out, its important to stick to a certain format and specify the following information:

  • Name of Certification
  • Name of Certifying Center or Authority
  • Date of Obtainment

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 Certification, Adobe, 2017

Bad example:

Adobe Illustrator Certification

Remember, if you took any additional courses related to the position youre applying for its always a big plus, however professional certification is more valuable than, for example, Lynda certificate.

Despite that, a resume with certifications shows a recruiter that its owner is constantly striving for improvement and self-development, which are considered to be the key soft skills for any position. Plus, additional education is a heavy reason for an employment gap or a great benefit if youre applying for an entry level position and submitting a resume with no work experience.

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How To Demonstrate Remarkable Training Skills On Your Resume

  • Explain a challenging situation while training a team in your previous experience
  • Describe how you handled a conflict that occurred in your team
  • Explain how you make people believe in your idea/your cause
  • Provide evidence of positive feedback from your team about your leadership
  • Provide examples of your accomplishments while leading a team

Remember that you should prove your training skills by showing your specific experience and results. Mentioning trivial and general facts like I trained large teams wonât work. Let’s analyze the following resume snippets together.

Skip The Intro Classes

Resume Building Workshop

Multiple recruiters mentioned that listing introductory-level online courses can make a candidate look bad when the expectation is that he or she will be an expert. For example, Sham Mustafa, the CEO of Correlation One, a company that recruits for data science positions, told me a story about a candidate whose current title is “Senior Data Scientist.” The candidate holds a PhD and has worked in roles requiring advanced quantitative skills for the past 25 years. Yet, Mustafa says, Under his education, he lists introductory MOOCs in Machine Learning and Data Science. Rather than helping him, these courses making him sound less experienced and actually decrease his competitiveness for the job.

Muse Master Coach Erica Breuer takes it one step further: I advise my clients to include details about their professional developmentincluding online coursesonly when they’ve completed a major certification or other notable credential. You want anything on your resume to bolster your credibility: Dont waste lines on a low-level course thats not adding to what youd bring to the table.

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How To List An Internship On A Resume With Examples

In todays competitive job market, a relevant internship can set you apart from other job applicants. This is especially true if you are a student or recent graduate with little work experience, or if you are changing careers.

Dont hide your internship experiences at the bottom of your resume. Instead, highlight your internship experiences, and detail how they have prepared you for the job you want.

Updating Your Resume With Seminar Information

A big part of your career development is attending seminars and workshops. It can therefore sometimes be a good idea to include this information on your resume. However, like with conference details, this should be done with care.

Including a seminars section is a judgment call. For some jobs, demonstrating your attendance at a specific event could have really positive impact on your documents performance. However, this information mustnt overshadow the most important details like your work experience, skills, and education.

In most situations, seminars youve attended wont need their own section. This information could be easily added to your information about your career experience or training.

Where you might want to consider adding a dedicated section is if you wish to highlight any courses that you planned and led yourself. This should only be if these particulars are likely to be of interest to the hiring manager of the job youre applying for.

Additionally, you may also wish to include this information if youre trying to transition into a new industry. Showing the extra work youve done to develop knowledge on the sector can often translate into success.

The most important factor to consider when adding a section for either conferences or seminars is how useful they will be for the hiring manager.

If you think these details will help you then they can be included. If not its sensible to focus on promoting your other career highlights instead.

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How To Put Education On A Resume In Unique Educational Situations

Unfinished programs – if you started a degree or some other type of program but didnt finish, only put it if the experience gained is relevant to the position. For example, if youre applying for a sales position and you have 40 credits toward a Geology degree, its probably not worth mentioning unless it was at a prestigious institution. How do you add your education on your resume if you are applying to work in a museum, with an unfinished art history program? Include it as you can always discuss the circumstances at interview. Keep in mind anything you add, including education on your resume, is fair game for discussion.

High school – when your highest education is high school, its usually a good idea to list your diploma on your resume if you graduated in the last 5 – 10 years or are currently enrolled. If youre currently enrolled in high school, the education section on your resume is a great place to add information about your extracurriculars, relevant coursework, and academic accomplishments. If youre in high school and youre creating a resume for a part-time job, first good for you – great job, and second youre likely not getting this job because of your work experience so use this section to highlight the type of student you are, your work ethic, and passions.

Workshop Technician Resume Templates

Cpr Certification On Resume Unique 12 13 Cpr Certification On Resume ...
  • Ability to adapt and learn to technology changes in products and systems
  • Due to the nature of this role you must hold a valid UK driving license
  • Excellent time management
  • Applies documented procedures and policies to perform diagnostics and complex repairs
  • Performs preventative maintenance based on assessment of engine
  • Companys competitors, customers, or suppliers
  • A Heavy Diesel or Light Auto trade qualification supported by post trade diesel engine experience
  • A stable work history
  • Drive, passion and commitment to the task at hand

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To Demonstrate Industry Experience

Another good reason to feature your certifications on your resume is if they prove you have acquired years of experience in the industry. Many certifications are only awarded to individuals who have worked a certain number of years as a professional. Listing your certifications can be an efficient way to verify your experience level.

Next Make Sure To Include The Job Posts Keywords

You may include keywords from the job post when discussing your coursework. The employer may find it relevant and thoughtful, and it can also help your resume make it through any applicant tracking systems the employer may be using. For example, if the employer talks about the importance of programming skills in their job posting, you can discuss a project in which you used JavaScript to help create a website.

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How To List Training Received On A Resume

Making the distinction between academic credentials and training and professional development on your resume can demonstrate that you have job-specific knowledge and exposure to areas that are particularly relevant to the job you’re seeking. Because your resume and application are the first proof of your qualifications, citing specialized training can separate you from other applicants.

Slips Trips And Fall Prevention

How To Create A Functional Resume & Showcase Your Skills | Indeed Career Tips

Workshop Description

  • Certificates are issued upon completion
  • Available in French

Every workplace will have things in it that could cause a worker to slip trip or fall. Having a good understanding of the things that cause workers to slip or fall will help you prevent a serious injury.

During this course you will have a good understanding of:

  • Applicable legislation and regulations
  • The duties of the employer, supervisor, worker and the safety rep to prevent slips and falls.
  • The definitions of slips, trips and falls
  • The three different types of falls
  • Risk factors for slips, trips and falls in the workplace
  • Control measures to reduce the risk of a slip, trip or fall.

Cost: Free

For more information, contact TEC at 491-7000 and speak to the Workshop facilitator.

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